



The annual subscription is £18.00 per member, and entitles members to receive our quarterly newsletter, to enroll for any of the groups (subject to vacancies), to attend General Meetings and to join in the activities of any 'Open' groups or excursions. Membership is from 1st January to 31st December (if you join after 1st October, membership is continuous until 31st December of the following year).

Our quarterly Newsletter will be sent to you by email. If you wish to have a printed copy of the quarterly Newsletter posted to you, please add £4 for postage to your annual subscription, or you can ask for a printed copy that you will collect at that month's General Meeting (in March, June, September and December).

There is a charge of £3.00 for the monthly meeting, which is open to all members; a small charge of 30p-50p is made per group meeting held in members' homes (plus any costs for room hire, materials, ingredients, etc., for certain groups).

Group concessionary rates are usually obtained for concert and theatre tickets, entrance fees to art galleries, museums and public exhibitions included in day trips.


Membership Application Forms can be downloaded and printed from this site by clicking the link MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM on the Welcome page - complete the Application Form and mail it with your subscription (details are on the form). Alternatively, Membership Information and an Application Form can be requested from:

Membership Secretary: Diane Denman
Email: membershipbecku3a@gmail.com
Telephone No: 0798 574 9728

You can attend a General Meeting as a visitor free of charge before you decide to join.